Housing & Homelessness

IAC’s Housing and Homelessness programs assist Aboriginal people with access to stable housing, as well as supporting those who are at risk at homelessness.


As a nationally registered Community Housing Provider under the National Community Housing Regulatory System, the IAC provides a range of housing & support accommodation programs.

Our team aims to sustain our clients’ tenancies through supportive tenancy models, and assist with access to stable housing arrangements.

Our objectives are to:

  • provide stable, suitable accommodation for Aboriginal families
  • provide a culturally appropriate service for Aboriginal tenants
  • break down the barriers to Aboriginal tenancy of mainstream accommodation
  • ensure that Aboriginal people have access to affordable housing
  • grow our Housing program so that we can provide services to a larger number of Aboriginal people
  • work with the Aboriginal Housing Office to build our capacity to expand our housing program


IAC’s Specialist Homelessness Service aim is to reduce homelessness amongst Aboriginal people through the provision of culturally appropriate support.

Through our Homelessness services team, we provide support to Aboriginal people with complex needs and who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the Illawarra region.

Our Homelessness team can provide a range of support, including:

  • Case management
  • Advocacy
  • Assisted referrals to other specialist support services to help Aboriginal people access and sustain stable housing
Call 02 4211 0601


If you are homeless, at risk of homelessness, in unsuitable or unaffordable accommodation please contact us to see how our team can help. IAC may be able to provide you and your family ongoing case coordination and support in resolving your housing needs.

Our team supports a wide range of Indigenous clients including:

    • Elderly people
    • People facing or fleeing domestic violence
    • Single parents and families
    • People exiting jail or incarceration
    • People with mental health issues and/or exiting from mental health facilities
    • People with disabilities
    • People who have or had alcohol and other drug issues

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